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For 30+ years,

Law firms and corporations nationwide have turned to Docusource to assist them in every phase of discovery and trial support. Through our many years of experience, we have developed and documented best practices to follow in every project. Our team has spent thousands of hours managing complex litigation, both in and outside the courtroom. We understand the law and the importance of an efficient, accurate and reliable document management system to the outcome of your case.

The objective for any discovery project is to operate within the confines of a realistic budget, while at the same time to identify key information for motions, depositions and trial preparation.

In addition to consulting, Docusource offers a variety of services to support your individual project plan including Data Collection, ESI Processing, Software Vetting, Training, Document Review, E-Discovery Managed Services, Trial Graphics, and Trial Tech Support.

Docusource - 504.588.2679

Providing eDiscovery and trial solutions for litigators